
Hi-Viz Coil Hose Protection

Liquid propane, ammonia and chemical hoses are subject to severe abuse. HPT manufactures a unique coil hose protection for these applications. This product has been a huge success because of the safety and economic benefits:


Increased visibility = increased safety. Reduce “trip and fall” incidents and “run over” damaged hoses. HPT Hi-Viz coil is bright safety yellow, UV-resistant and colorfast.

For example, a typical 2” x 20’ LP hose costs over $1000. HPT Hi-Viz coil is extremely effective in extending the service life of these assemblies at a very low cost. It is also durable. Customers typically see 2-3 years of service from our coil. They then replace the coil – not the hose assembly. Hoses are replaced at the end of their design service life and not when they are damaged.


The rounded profile of our spiral makes hoses easier to drag out of hose tubes and on rough surfaces.

Gripper grooves

HPT coil has internal grooves that hold the coil in place on the hose. The coil stays put, you use less per hose, and 40-50% of the hose is left visible for inspection.

Heavy-duty heat shrink collars

Our over-size HD heat shrink makes for neat, professional installations. At least one collar at each end, more to taste. No clamps, tape or adhesives.

Talk to your HPT rep, get the facts, then do the math.
See why companies like EXXONMOBIL consider Hi-Viz coil a standard part of their operations.

Please call for sizing and pricing information



Truck with coil hose protection Hi-Viz coil has a rounded profile that makes for low drag and easy handling.

Avoid "run-over" hoses.

ErnieXL industrial heat shrink holds coils in place for a neat installation.

2 Years and still going strongTwo years in service and still going strong.






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